Safely help your babies sleep through the night
Non-Swaddled Babies do not feel secure and therefore CRY!
Facts about Non Swaddled Babies
- Often experience inconsistent sleep patterns
- Tend to be fussy and sleepless at night and during naps
- Tend to arouse more frequently
- Can wake themselves easier due to the moro (startle) reflex

Your Baby Sleeps Safely and Securely
Created by parents who want to share safe and secure sleep solutions with other parents.
Purchase SnuggleWings
Safe and Secure
Use SnuggleWings with your traditional swaddle blanket to keep their little arms inside for as long as they are swaddled. SnuggleWings allows you to swaddle safely, securely and for a longer duration.
Contrary to what certain claims may suggest, swaddling isn’t new. Rather, in Europe and North America, the practice has been rediscovered as a way of soothing crying infants or promoting better sleep. Wrapping infants snugly in cloth has been done worldwide for centuries. Recall the swaddling clothes used at Christ’s birth? Consider also the variety of approaches to swaddling used around the world: from the papoose-style cradle-boards in rural China (35 days) and Navajo (for 5-6 months), to the use of cloth wraps in Holland (12 weeks), Mongolia (5-6 months) or rural Turkey (up to a year). In warmer climates such as Africa, babies often require less clothing, and may be placed in a sling instead.
In the US, interest in swaddling intensified, with the 2002 book by Dr. Harvey Karp, The Happiest Baby on the Block. What has followed has been a fascinating resurgence in the practice of swaddling, with a raft of new studies to assess swaddling’s effectiveness and safety. And here’s the thing: there is overwhelming evidence that swaddling works, and when done right, it can be downright beneficial. Tuck in, and we’ll explain.
*ALWAYS swaddle properly and supine (on their backs and not too tight around the hips)

How should SnuggleWings be used?
SnuggleWings works with regular swaddle blankets by gently wrapping around baby’s arms to keep them safely tucked inside.
Who should use SnuggleWings?
Any parent who would like to swaddle their baby safely and securely without worrying about Baby breaking free of the swaddle.
What is the difference between the two SnuggleWings versions?
SnuggleWings “arms-at-sides” holds babies arms snuggly at sides while swaddled. SnuggleWings “arms-over-chest” holds babies arms folded over the chest area, with hands placed in a virtual touching position. While some babies may respond better to one swaddle method over the other, either version of SnuggleWings is both safe and reliable, when used with traditional swaddling.
When (what age) should I begin using SnuggleWings?
How is SnuggleWings different from the many other swaddle products on the market?
Created by parents who want to share safe and secure sleep solutions with other parents.